About Us

Who are we?

We are Chaotic 3 Workshop and we invite you to learn a little more about the chaos in our lives! We are a husband and wife team who love all things geeky!

Sherry has been gaming for as long a she could hold a controller in her hand. She will happily talk your ear off about both the Assassin’s Creed and Mass Effect games as well as a host of other games that have stolen her attention. She’s also an avid anime watcher, a few favorites being Sailor Moon, One Punch Man, Fullmetal Alchemist, The devil is a Part-Timer, and Ancient Magus Bride.

Rick has been a lover of video games and anime since he was a child. Titles like Resident evil and The Legend of Zelda are some of his favorites. Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha and Gundam is where he began his dive into anime. He is also a bit of a comic book junkie and enjoys fishing.

Our 3 daughters have hobbies that often mirror our own. They love to play video games, watch anime, and are endlessly curious to learn new things. They are instrumental in every single thing we do and we seek to be good examples to them every day.

We’ve also got a house full of beasties! 2 dogs, Loki and Franklin, 4 cats, Cody, Salem, Mochi, and Zuko, and one happy tank of colorful fish that keeps us busy when we aren’t working or busy with our printers.


How did we get started with 3D printing?

This all started with a new gaming adventure.

We were introduced to Dungeons and Dragons during the pandemic as a new way to connect and interact. Both of us quickly dove into learning everything we could about the game so we could be even more engaged in the experience. As lifelong console gamers, this was a welcome extension to our current set of hobbies.

Rick quickly immersed himself into the characters he played and soon found a passion in becoming a Dungeon Master so that he could create incredible and immersive adventures for others. Sherry quickly fell in love with creating chaotic, strong-willed characters, collecting all of the dice, and getting her very own dice tower at some point.

It was not long before we began to share this hobby with our daughters. Running a campaign with them and watching them become so excited as we move through our adventure has only made us love this game even more.

This workshop started with just one printer purchased in March of 2021. We worked feverishly to learn everything about how it worked, and more importantly, how to get that first dice tower printed! It was not long before we added a second printer and then found so many more things we wanted to print and share with others.

Now we have 10 printers of various sizes with many hopes to continue growing from here on out. Let us know what we can do to spread the joy your way!